30 Days to Total Body Tone with Caroline Sandry
31 Seasons
Pilates: 30 Days to Total Body Tone is a follow-up to the best-selling Pilates: 30 Days to Flat Abs. After many requests, Caroline Sandry created 30 Days to Total Body Tone to target the whole body in one month to get you in tip-top shape in no time!
These 6 x 10 minute routines incorporated into Caroline’s Daily Workout Calendar are based on the Pilates system that will strengthen your muscles and focus on areas that need firming up.
All you need to do is follow Caroline’s carefully laid out day-to-day schedule to get the firm, strong & lean body you have always wanted!
To download the 30 Calendar please visit our site : newshootpictures.com/30-days-to-total-body-tone where you will be able to download the PDF.
Pilates in Motion with Caroline Sandry - Core Routine
Episode 1
This Core Routine is especially focused on the Pilates Principles. Caroline constantly reminds you to 'bring your navel to spine' as you move to the beat. High knees and a variety of core exercises will get that heart racing and flatten that tummy!
30 Days to Total Body Tone - Back Workout
Episode 2
Back Workout